Carlyle intends to use the net proceeds from the offering to repay indebtedness and for general corporate purposes, including general operational needs, growth initiatives, acquisitions and strategic investments and to fund capital commitments to, and other investments in and alongside of, its funds. 凯雷计划将此次募股所得用于偿还债务和一般企业用途,包括一般经营需求、业务发展、收购和策略投资、允诺出资、投资自有基金以及协同自有基金共同投资。
Mr Summers has previously remarked on the tension between superpower status and net foreign indebtedness. 萨默斯此前已评述过美国的超级大国地位与净债务(外债)国身份之间的矛盾。
Net flows to East Asia declined sharply, although China retained market access, reflecting its low external indebtedness, abundant reserves, and current account surplus. 流向东亚地区的资金净额大幅减少,尽管中国由于外债水平低,储备丰厚,经常帐户有盈余而仍然可以取得融资。